Lake Quality Network of Partners!!
Improving the quality of Delavan Lake is a focus of many individuals and organizations! Working together, these organizations bring their individual strengths and expertise to monitor and improve the quality of Lake Delavan.
Delavan Lake Sanitary District
The goal of the DLSD is three-fold. 1) To deliver timely and cost effective maintenance, upgrades and expansion of the collection system, 2) to create and maintain long term cooperative alliances with qualified entities involved in lake management activities within the Delavan Lake watershed, 3) to develop and sustain an effective, professional business culture with a focus on excellence in performance and in all aspects of communication and customer service.
Delavan Lake Improvement Association
The DLIA is here to advocate for and inform everyone interested in maintaining this amazing resource we have in Delavan. The lake contributes to the entire economy of Walworth County and its’ health is of utmost importance to all property owners and visitors. If you want to help the DLIA with their efforts and initiatives, feel free to donate or become a member.
US Geological Survey
The USGS provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods; the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on; the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change. Our scientists have helped develop new methods and tools to supply timely, relevant, and useful information to improve Delavan Lake!
Town of Delavan Lake Committee
The Lake Committee is to investigate and recommend to the Town Board any and all activities which would contribute to the improvement, protecting and rehabilitation of Delavan Lake. The Lake Committee will work closely with the DNR, the USGS, the DLSD, and any other agencies necessary to continue to promote the health of Delavan Lake. The committee shall also be responsible for making recommendations to the Town Board regarding the aquatic plant management of the Lake, as well as promoting projects to reduce shoreline erosion, developing ongoing water quality issues, and cooperating with the DNR in their fish management program.
Move your cursor over the logos of the partners to learn more about them!