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Learn and Discover
Lake Quality Dashboard - Current Status of critical lake quality metrics! What they mean! Why are they important!
Lake Quality 101 - Go deeper! Get a quick lesson on the science of lake quality!
History of Lake Quality - A summary of the history of the lake, and the efforts to keep it clean and healthy!
Delavan Lake Hydrology - Real-time data on the water flowing into and out of the lake
Delavan Lake Statstics
Lake Type: Artificial Reservoir, Dammed
Water Level Control: Delavan Lake Sanitary District
Surface Area: 2,072 acres
Shoreline Length: 13 miles
Normal Elevation: 923 feet
Average Depth: 21 feet
Maximum Depth: 56 feet
Trophic State: Eutrophic
What can I do?? - Find out how you can help!!
See Wisconsin DNR Page for Delavan Lake
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